Thursday, April 20, 2006

Niiiiiice review!!!

Check out the nice review of our show!!

By Laura Hitchcock
"The "girls" in the title doesn't refer only to the all-female cast of this multi-faceted meditation. It's one of the many nicknames for those distinctive features of female anatomy clinically known as breasts. The nine women in the first-rate cast come in all sizes, ethnic groups and ages. They begin with their earliest memories of waiting for those bumps to begin and the not always pleasurable experiences when they do, such as being the first and only one in your class or being admired for those alone. That wonderful actress Jackie Zane is delicious as a little girl."

To read the full review, go to If that link doesn't work, you can go to Select 'California' and then click on 'Conversations 'Bout the Girls'. Then... when you are done reading.. go to and make your reservation to come and see it performed live!!!

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