Friday, October 07, 2011

Just a brief update...

Boy Howdy!! It has been quite a long time since I have added to this blog. Oh so much has happened, however most of it is summarized on the main pages of my website Some of the highlights being a guest star spot on 'Two and a Half Men' which has been harvesting some nice residual checks.. especially with all the attention on Charlie Sheen. ... and for the record.. yes I met him. And no, he was not a freak. He was completely professional, friendly, and polite. Granted I didn't spend a lot of time with him or even hold a conversation, but regardless my experience was a positive one.

Another highlight from the past couple of years was a featured role on the film 'Water for Elephants'.. which I wrote about for various fan blogs. These are all linked on the news and reviews page of my website as well.

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