Sunday, December 18, 2005

A note from Jackie

Hi there!! Ok, this is *my* first posting on this blog. Thank you to Mr. Andy Chen for his website design and original blog posting. I just wanted to fill you in on a couple of happenings:

The film Being Doctor Jack had a premiere L.A. screening to a packed audience. It has received some interest from industry professionals to possibly expand to a feature length project. Jack Thomas,Merry Colvin and the rest of Bipolar Productions were wonderful to work with and I wish them the best!! I understand the film may also make the film festival rounds... so if you are attending any of them, keep your eyes peeled.

Another piece of news is that I was cast in and filmed a TV Pilot. It is a film thesis for a student of the New York Film Academy. It is called Dispatch about the life of 911 operators. I play a wonderful character named Cecelia who is one of the dispatchers. The best of luck to Sanedria Potter in her endeavors getting the project to the networks! It would be great if it was picked up!!

The holidays are drawing near and like everywhere else, L.A. is all hustle and bustle as people try to 'get ready'. But is anyone ever really ready? My wish to you is that your holidays are wonderful and all the best in the new year.

Jackie :)

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